August 30, 2012 in Exchanges

Promotion by Emotion

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Have you ever seen an advertisement that tugs at your heart strings? One that disgusts you? One that makes you laugh every time you see it?

There are certain commercials that evoke some kind of emotion from their audience as they watch it. These commercials make the audience connect to them in an emotional way. In the article Should My Advertising Stimulate an Emotional Response?, Millward Brown argues “advertising that generates a strong emotional response has two benefits. Firstly, it can help the emotions transfer to the brand, shaping the brand perceptions. Secondly, it can help generate engagement and memorability.”

There are studies supporting the theory that emotional advertisements are the most effective in Marketing. This study by Neuromarketing found that “campaigns with purely emotional content performed about twice as well as campaigns with only rational content.”

In general, I believe women are a lot more emotional than men. In the article Emotional Branding by Marc Gobé, when branding is geared towards women, “it needs to address five key needs; respect, individuality, stress relief, connection and relationship.” In my opinion, more ad campaigns should be focused towards women, especially because more and more women have taken on the role of financial mastermind in their families and control how 88 cents of every disposable dollar is spent.

Personally I like emotional ads. A lot of thought and creativity has to go into creating them in order to get a true, an emotional response.

Below are some examples of emotional advertisements:

This commercial describing how dirty your mattress can get disgusts me.
It makes me want to go out and buy a new one right away.


This commercial for an animal rescue group breaks my heart.
Those sad eyes really get to me.


This video speaks to fear and grief, hopefully making the point about the hazards of texting and driving.


A sentimental commercial from Google.
Awww, so sweet.


How about this favorite? I think everyone was talking about this one the next day after the Big Game. It’s one of those “feel good” commercials.


Here is a commercial I found that is pretty interesting. It conjures up a few emotions in me and kept me guessing until the end about what is going on.
